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Duff Cup History

Americans won

Americans won

Danes won

Americans won

Americans won

Danes won



Dear all Duffers

Indeed, 2018 was a remarkable year!

Not only did trivialities and tendencies occur – like the hottest summer ever in Denmark and the worst firestorms ever in California, demonstrating that those who refute climate change are liars putting next generations at risk;  like a popular division in the US which is more than just political, but resembles the social, cultural, economic and moral disintegration of the Weimar Republic in the late 1920’ies; like in Denmark and other European countries a political deadlock between blocks that compete to satisfy the lowest denominators for exclusion, protectionism and discrimination; like in the UK a struggle to implement a separation from the EU as a consequence of a referendum which now appears to have been as compromised by Russia and fake news as the 2016 presidential election in the US; like a worldwide MeToo Movement which in a split second obliterated male sexism wrongfully tolerated for generations and positively disproved my personal puzzled experience that somehow women always preferred the bad guys  ……

BUTwhen the dust settles, the sensational Denmarkian victory in the 6th DUFF Cup in Corsica stole the headlines.

Even if the team was not entirely Danish … and even Gary and Mark may assert that their team always wins … and even if Steve “TheRabbi” Cohen also made a fantastic contribution, the Danish win is claimed, booked and duly noted on the DUFF trophy which now shows a 4 to 2 status in US favour (with one tie in 2016, don’t forget!!). I am deeply grateful for the support of the 2018 “mercenaries” Gary, Mark and Steve and they may all rest assured that any application for Danish citizenship will be expedited speedily J


In 2020 the Danish team will appear in full force in true red/white colours ….

I have the pleasure to introduce to you the following rookies:


Don’t try to pronounce his first name!

It’s an old Danish name which even natives find hard … But name aside, G is a skilful and competitive golfer from which he is only distracted by two things: His work as an self-employed IT/software engineer and his family. The latter comprise his two almost adult children Philip and Frida, his second marriage Brazilian wife, beautiful Marina – and their two kids Norah (1½) and Felix (2 days old!!! TAKE THAT!!). G’s nomination to the DUFF Royal Danes Team came with a presidential order either to get sterilized or to stick to “the Haar method” – just f… yourself! As of this moment his choice is unknown!


Erik is a light house in more ways than one. He is 2+ meters tall which helps him generate an impressive distance with a golf ball – in any direction the ball then choses to travel J. Erik’s physical appearance is contradicted by the sense for detail needed to perform meticulous dental operations, for which he is renowned – and also by the undivided attention and humour Erik employs to ensure that all are happy and comfortable in his company.


Don’t try to pronounce his last name!

Jesper is in constant danger to attract the attention of the MeToo Movement to have (at least) a haircut …. Whenever he introduces himself to a female, he risks being heard to make a pass or hint at their genital properties. When in the US/UK, Jesper prudently pronounces his last name as “Kleit”. Thus he makes use of his fabulous rhetorical talent with which he has made a name for himself in media consulting.

On the golf course words also matter for Jesper. It was a memorable moment, when Jesper teeing up on #1 at Son Vida in Mallorca informed the other players: “In my hands a golf club becomes a surgical precision instrument!!!!” – to introduce his drive 95º off target to the right of himself into severe bushes next to the tee box J


So, we are ready, excited and counting down already for 2020 DUFF 7.

In the meantime, I thank all of you for the eternal memories we made together in 2018 and for the friendship we enjoy. Personally, I cannot exaggerate how much your support and compassion has helped me face the challenges of Hanne’s illness (which is hopefully now history).

So all the best in 2019 – during which I hope that we shall meet frequently –  to all of you great guys J


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To The Next Level.

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Captain Pauly

Counting down to 2020

Looking forward to our future adventure.